When you are planning to advertise your company, the best places for your ads are the places where your consumers will see or hear them, but how do you figure out where that is? Before, if you wanted to advertise your company to consumers where they were listening to music, you had to advertise on local radio stations. Radio advertising can still be valuable, however fewer people are listening to the radio than just a few years ago. Now, Internet-based radio stations are becoming more popular, and Pandora advertising is on the rise.
Your local radio stations may still have listeners, but do you know when your consumers are listening to the radio? Do you know what stations they are listening to? Advertising on traditional radio can be tricky, unless you know which stations your target audience listens to, and when. Placing your ads on local radio stations takes trial and error. On the other hand, if you place your ads on Pandora, you don’t have to guess where and when your target audience is listening. Instead, all you have to know is what kind of audience you want.
Pandora Radio has many advantages over traditional radio, and can help you advertise only to potential consumers. The advantages include:
At WebDesign309, we are a Pandora partner and have experience getting our clients the best results on Internet radio. Call us today at 309-213-9398 or contact us online. Our marketing experts are available to sit down with you and discuss everything Pandora Radio has to offer.